Dear Lawyers, Politicians, Lobbyists and Other Policymakers,
I still struggle with the fact that most of you folded so fast. Sure, there were and are some important degrees of difference with the scale, extent and timing of the illegal policies adopted, imposed, enforced or allowed to be – along lines of left, right, state, county. I do want to fully acknowledge that some of those localized decisions, especially around things like enforcement (or not) by county sheriffs, made all the difference for many families and businesses during the launching of the covid op. I am personally grateful to have been able to navigate many “semi-normal” places fairly freely even during the worst of the lockdowns.
But it was so clear that everywhere had turned into something new, different and darker; something fundamentally un-American. Regardless of localized variations, almost all of you, even now, continue to turn a blind eye toward, support, even defend the main pseudo-legal policy components of the ongoing operation that is not just “covid” but all U.S. joint military - public health initiatives. All of it is criminal.
Other than the heroic efforts of a few small (but powerful) policy-focused non-profit groups in a few states (e.g., Texans for Vaccine Choice, Tennessee Citizens for State Sovereignty, Freedom Angels, etc.), there are no comprehensive efforts in any state house or county board or DA or AG offices to fully dismantle all the illegal policy components that allow “public health” administrators to take over every aspect of our lives, to imprison us using state and local law enforcement officers as code enforcers, and even to force-inject into our supposedly sovereign bodies military bioweapons countermeasures, as a condition of our release, without any informed consent. All of this is unconstitutional and in violation of multiple federal and state criminal statutes.
See …
This is not difficult to put together. Many of you charge people or issue new regulations all the time on flimsier shit. How many families of murdered and maimed people have to plead with you to do your job and open a criminal investigation? There are immediately-before-injected healthy dead kids (and adults) everywhere; that didn’t used to happen all the time! If you are a prosecutor anywhere with any ability to open a criminal investigation, this would be the one to really latch onto. Yes, you will likely be threatened. Make a plan. You have law enforcement officers all around you. (I even know a judge …)
Most of you have failed to uphold or defend the core values that make this country worth fighting for. Instead, you bent over and took as some kind of new “religion” a bunch of garbage that was just promoted and polished modeling assumptions and scariest scenarios pumped out by unelected administrators, along with their opinions, guidelines, rulemakings and mandates – as if any of it had or has any weight of law, when all they or their proclamations ever had was “color of law.” (“The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right.” McCain v. Des Moines, 174 U. S. 108, 19 Sup. Ct. “Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under ‘color of law’.” Atkins v. Lanning. D.C.Okl., 415 F. Supp. 186, 188.)
I can’t fully wrap my head around how so many of you could be so devoid of common sense, values, decency, a connection with God or even just a basic commitment to the oath you took. As soon as it became the least bit uncomfortable for you – not even uncomfortable, just the vaguest whiff of potential future discomfort being visited on you was enough – you eagerly looked the other way and signed up with the world’s worst criminal racket. That blows me away. It’s not too late to turn back.
For some of you higher-ups, I’m sure one of the top gangs has real leverage on you; but it was you who initially chose to attend that party, meeting or gathering, to hob-nob, shmooze, raise money or give money or get access or whatever you told yourself – it was you who put yourself in that position. And then you didn’t walk away when you should have. We’ve all got to fully own our actions, all of them. We are always responsible for all our choices. Sometimes dying on your sword is the only honorable thing left to do.
I am this livid because I spent 25 years working around you people – lawyers, elected officials, staffers who specialize in one arcane area of policy, planners, lobbyists, NGO and foundation leaders. I thought I was kinda-sorta colleagues (not ever friends) with a bunch of you. Now I see why I never liked many of you.
I did not become a lawyer out of respect for lawyers. The opposite. I studied and worked on essential services infrastructure systems and policies because they are foundationally important for determining how we all live every day. Realized in my late 20s that very few people working on this stuff understood the dimensionality of these systems and that hardly anybody who worked on policy would listen to anyone who didn’t have power or a law degree. So I got a law degree.
But didn’t practice much. Got paid very little (martyr ego idiocy) to work on utility, transportation, water, planning and housing policy for many years (super nerdy stuff); fighting with the people representing government, corporate and, too often, “community” interests (often the same people, hired guns, you know who you are); learning how to lobby effectively without any money or power behind me; watching the whole system slowly start to fall apart as the smartest and most principled people with real institutional knowledge retired or died and were replaced with even more morons and grifters than had been there before, until it all got to be too much, too depressing, and I was also nearing the bottom of a multi-decade drunk. So I quit. Got sober (2013). Then, in 2015, my wife gave birth to our miraculous baby girl.
But I hadn’t been restored to sanity. Because I let them poison our daughter and my wife with fraudulent “immunization” shots, even pushed for it, against her wishes.
See …
Both my wife and daughter got badly injured. I’ll never fully forgive myself because it is unforgivable. It was and is a total abdication of my duty as a man and as my wife’s partner and my daughter’s father. I did not listen, I did not hear, I did not see and as a result, I participated in the breaking of some deep part of them. That is the most unforgivable shit. (If you feel like posting a comment telling me to not be so hard on myself, please instead go spend some time sitting with and integrating your own stuff.)
We continue to spend years and countless resources trying to heal fully from the poisons that our government calls “vaccines” and relentlessly pushes on us. Poisons that I pushed on my most loved ones. I won’t shut up about any of this until everyone has fully woken up to what is really happening and stops all vaccine and immunization shots. All of them. The whole “dangerous germs” story is the root lie; it is grotesque and demonic and we must stop it.
So, going through all that, and understanding how government usually operates, when the “GloboCap” (all credit to CJ Hopkins) lizard class and US DoD & Co. (and Friends) launched the covid part of their long operation, my wife and I figured out pretty fast, by April into May of 2020, that it was, at best, a huge pile of crap that made no sense from any health or policymaking perspective and was probably a lot worse than anything we’d ever seen; maybe (likely) worse than anything that had happened on earth in a very long time.
I started calling around to any decent attorneys I could get on the phone. Almost none of them were thinking clearly about what was going on. I kept trying to find attorneys who understood and wanted to try some approaches that might actually get somewhere. My wife used her social media presence to intro me to all kinds of folk, including some of the ladies around RFK (at CHD-National) and also to some of the ladies who’d started CHD-CA (CHD-CA and CHD-National were totally separate corporations at the time – the name was all that was shared – and the CA group paid National an excessive amount for use of the name). After some back-and-forth, the vax-injured mom warrior team running CHD-CA (Alix Mayer as Chair) asked me to join their board in Fall of 2020.
We built a kick-ass legal team bringing on three amazing lawyers: Jessica Barsotti (on the board, she also has her own firm and is an amazing litigator); Nicole Pearson (also her own firm, created Facts Law Truth Justice and is totally relentless); and Rita Barnett (law professor who lost her job because she refused to comply with any of it, she became our on-staff legal director). All whip-smart, super creative, insanely brave … and moms.
Through the incomparable Leslie Manookian (another brilliant, super tough, vax-injured mom), founder and director of Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), we got to know her attorneys, George Wentz and John Howard (two of the best attorneys I’ve ever met or worked with, also the funniest). We all spent a lot of time talking through how best to fight what was happening. Our teams each figured out and then refined through our chats how to do a series of administrative and statutorily framed actions that were designed to be easier to get into court and ultimately easier to get favorable rulings on than anything argued primarily from a constitutional frame or as a direct challenge to governmental public health authority.
This ad-hoc coalition was increasingly of the mind that we were up against some sort of massive and globally coordinated crime. That is what the fact pattern looked and felt like. Stuff just doesn’t work so lock-step under normal circumstances, with all these global and state institutions saying and doing the exact same dangerously lunatic and illegal things in perfect sequence. We needed to test, legally, where the potential points of weakness or leverage might be. That is what the lawsuits we filed were designed to do.
The other thing our little cluster of attorneys talked a lot about was how the legal actions being pursued by most attorneys were catastrophically worse than useless.Almost all the attorneys and firms of any note were: (a) doing nothing except complying with the illegal and unconstitutional orders issuing from the GloboCap-controlled state functionaries; (b) actively pushing and defending the illegal and unconstitutional orders; or (c) whining about this flatly illegal shit using the least effective and riskiest arguments possible.
There was a window those first 18 to 24 months during which there were more un-battened hatches – more potentially fruitful legal pathways to pursue – and it would have been super nice to have an army of attorneys everywhere filing a barrage of useful and focused legal complaints at every level instead of the hodge-podge of mostly redundant, derivative 100-page ranting tomes, horribly drafted, fulminating, full of complaining and every conceivable bad argument but not containing anything resembling an effective legal complaint that were filed. This is what most of the “freedom” attorneys in the game were (and still are) doing.
When I got introduced to RFK, Mary Holland, Ray Flores and others at CHD National, I was beyond excited to help build and coordinate what I envisioned as a national network of legal groups that could test a range of strategies in different states and in the federal courts, find the best pathways, and support the filing of waves of legal actions to create new useful precedents and help us claw back lost ground. Leslie Manookian and her attorneys were also talking with the folk at CHD National at that time. It all felt very promising.
The problem was that CHD National would not coordinate with us. It was very weird and then became totally depressing and suspicious. We had this amazing team in Cali that was filing some of the best lawsuits anywhere and coordinating with the smartest and most experienced attorneys in the game (the HFDF guys) and instead of supporting this work and figuring out how to help scale it up and improve it through their bigger and better-funded networks, the folks at CHD National kept ignoring and thwarting us. They also blew up our coordination with HFDF. Behind their manic endless media feeds and rousing fundraising notes from Bobby and Mary, CHD National wasn’t (and isn’t) filing nearly enough useful or well-drafted legal complaints – and their lawsuits have not improved over time. But they sure rake in a ton of money.
As if the millions they were raising on their own wasn’t enough, CHD National diverted and derailed our CA group’s much less significant fundraising in massive ways. We tried to negotiate an agreement with them that would protect our interests and be beneficial to both groups. They dragged things out for months, appeared to not be negotiating in good faith, and then several of the top people at National flat-out lied on a group call about our months of written negotiations. They were trying to bully us and take control of everything, including all our money and all our work. This was late 2022, early 2023.
When they lied on that call, I interjected loudly and announced that I was resigning. I said something like, “Wow! You are lying about this whole thing! I think I see what is happening here. I am resigning and I am not going to continue on this call.” Then I hung up and reached out to Bobby (who should have been on the call but wasn’t). I was worried the call was being recorded. It felt like the fix was in. This was way beyond the usual non-profit greed and drama.
(Some of the key folk on the board of the original CHD-CA, including Alix Mayer, launched a new group, Free Now Foundation; then CHD-National created a new “CHD-CA” that is a wholly owned and controlled subsidiary of National.)
I still have RFK’s personal cell phone number but he ignores me now. I told him after I hung up on that group call with the other CHD National leadership what happened and why I was quitting; I told him he needed to clean house and fire everyone running CHD National or he was going to get got too. He told me he couldn’t or wouldn’t do that. I thought at the time he was just overly loyal to the ladies who’d built the organization for him. Now I think he was already at least surrounded and about to be captured. He may still think that he’s somehow going to “out-dance the devil.” He is an inscrutable fellow. But he has huge blind spots and by all appearances he is now on a super tight leash.
I was (naively) hopeful in 2021-22 that we might turn some things around. My wife and I threw everything we had at the fight. We co-founded, funded, wrote the platform for and tried to help manage the gubernatorial campaign of Reinette Senum in CA (she turned out to be another huge disappointment and still owes us $20k that we personally loaned her – not a campaign donation – zero effort made to pay it back). We got involved with Freedom Angels (the unparalleled Tara Thornton and Denise Aguilar) and helped with lobbying and strategy at the State Capitol (CA laws get crazier and more dangerous every year). Alix Mayer and I wrote multiple Notices of Liability that the original CHD-CA sent to 32,000 public officials in CA warning them about the illegality of their policies (which stopped some schools and counties from implementing said policies). We tried to help folk who were setting up home school pods. We helped more folk than I can count with exemption letters to their employers or schools. This was all important work and very much worth doing but it was also all defensive, reactive, rearguard stuff.
It eventually became clear that Cali was a lost cause, on the wrong side of the front lines, a failed state. (We’ve left.) Even before quitting CHD-CA, I’d been trying to figure out if there were any pathways worth pursuing at the federal level or in other states. I was searching for someone who was doing the right analysis of this whole thing as a massive crime. And when I encountered Katherine Watt’s work on Substack, BLAM, I had found exactly the analysis I needed.
After finding Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) and then, through Katherine, meeting Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence and Art), as well as other similarly minded folk around the country, I got involved in an effort to support the opening of a criminal inquiry in Texas. That got blown up (politics). I also tried to help Katherine and Sasha brief members of Congress (House and Senate) with the incredible body of evidence they’d gathered; that effort accomplished nothing.
I did ask Senator Johnson on a very small group video call whether he understood, based on what Katherine and Sasha had just briefed him about, that this whole operation was being run by the US DoD. He said yes, he understood that and wanted to pursue this all the way up the chain. “Pursing it up the chain” apparently meant that he would hold a series of informal informational hearings. People cheered when he did those little shows. Not exactly the appropriate response when you have overwhelming evidence of serious and ongoing criminal wrongdoing being perpetrated by Senior Executive Service employees of the federal government.
(Side note on Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. They are national treasures and personal heroes of mine. Katherine is meticulously documenting the greatest, longest-lasting covert mass-crime and democidal operation in human history. Her stack is the best and most thorough legal reporting being done about this whole operation. And it’s also so much more. Sasha’s incredible body of work is to the real science what Katherine’s is to the real legal history and fact pattern. Sasha is also a terrific painter. I’m deeply honored to know them both. They’re also both, of course, amazing moms. Everyone who cares about what is really happening must read their work.)
I also met Brook Jackson through Katherine. Brook is a former pharma clinical trial manager-turned-whistleblower who has dislodged more useful revelations from the beast with the pleadings filed in her case than maybe anybody else. She’s also tough as nails and, again, a mom! I am also greatly impressed with the reporting of Debbie Lerman and Miri AF. There is nobody in this fight like Mike Yeadon or Margaret Anna Alice, who are two of the most full-of-grace, humble, widely and wildly intelligent humans I’ve ever encountered.
What is the way through? Why am I still optimistic that there is a way through? As Margaret Anna Alice would say, perhaps I’m an “apocaloptimist.” Here are the reasons why I have faith that there is a path to the other side …
A lot of the key people running this clear-hold-herd-cull op don’t know what they’re doing or how to do what they want to do.
They’ve already lost a bunch of their most capable people, hence the herky-jerky, not-fully-baked feel of a lot of their moves.
They’re dependent on too many morons and grifters and bad actors.
Their tech does not work nearly as good as they say it does or need it to.
Much of their “tech” does not work at all and is just expensive story-telling machines.
A lot of what they actually do is Potemkin village “boogah-boogah” stuff to make folk look the other way while they spray poisons and poop all over everything and start fires wherever they want to redevelop.
The more they impose their story on the world, the more damage they’ll inflict and more people they’ll kill but, eventually, it will all fall apart.
Theirs is not a winning plan.
What they are trying to do is not manageable or sustainable. There’s no hiding (it is a global op) but since it’s doomed to fail, the whole game is to survive the clearing, holding, herding and culling. The “time of states” will likely come to an end, at least in many places. I don’t know how far off. The “era of democracy” is long dead and gone. I doubt most or any of us alive now will see this through to the other side; this is a multi-generational deal. A lot depends on how hard and fast “they” squeeze. But most folk are still too attached to at least some aspect of the big story and that’s going to pull them over the cliff unless they let go in time.
There is always a narrow path through to the other side, however lonely or difficult. Humans do NOT need nations or states or corporations or banks or lawyers or policy people or any of the mess we’ve made in order to live in an orderly, humane manner. We lived for most of our history without any of these truly modern things and life was NOT nasty, brutish or short. That is just another story. States and corps and banks ARE the main criminal rackets and always have been. And the lawyers, bankers, electeds and other policy people are the managers and implementers for these criminal rackets. They are the clipboard holders. All other “gang gangs” on earth work for one or more of the top state-corp-bank gangs. We’ve just never had a truly global gang-run empire before.
The Corp-State beast war of attrition and control is not going to “work” and is ultimately doomed to fail because it is not grounded in reality. It’s just another story. An empire story, anti-God, anti-Life, anti-Human, powerful and potent but still just a sick, twisted, disease and death cult story. Our task is to survive this story’s unraveling and teach our kids and grandkids how to thrive in what we build in the aftermath of this global death-cult empire. Our job every day is to make ourselves harder to kill, more fully integrated (all aspects of ourselves – especially the ugly bits), and better at sustaining non-compliance for the long haul. Whatever they threaten to do or actually do to us, we must not bend. This is the hill. Hold the line.
For all you policy folk still in the mix thinking you can do something useful from within the beast system, please stop. Do something else. Turn around, point your finger at the beast, throw a rock at the beast’s nearest window and loudly proclaim that you quit. Then tell everybody the truth. Your eternal salvation is worth it. Get out while you still can. Then go plant a garden, raise some chickens, spend more time with your kids, and work on helping the people around you and making the place you live better.
baba gbb
Thanks for writing this Graham. You have expressed my own feelings on this.
It will be a question of surviving and protecting what we can until this entire poisonous edifice collapses under the weight of its own lies and murderous sickness.
I think things will happen quickly, because the perpetrators already have lost the confidence and support of a large section of society, and they need public collaboration to carry out their schemes. That is their weak point.
They made a big mistake in using a medical scam, as many people have sufficient knowledge of medicine to detect the fraud and subsequently be alerted to other frauds like climate change, where earlier, only real specialists were likely to smell a rat.
It shows they do not really understand or have any concern for science except as an instrument of power. This ignorance has made them vulnerable to being found out.
Despite their fantasies, things need to be done by committed human beings, human brains, human energy, not AI or a computer programme. The vaccine passports, to tie in with Digital ID, for example, will require medics to spend extortionate amounts of time just completing the admin to show they have done all the injections, repeatedly. They have no time left for real medicine.
Eventually no-one will find the will or energy to continue to meet these distracting demands.
The weak point is where their computer systems interface with real people, who face real world demands, not some fake reality dreamed up to control us.
A simpler and more effective system will emerge and it will prevail because it will be more efficient and truly needed.
Goosebumps. Don't know where to begin. . . .
You are such a gifted writer, Graham ~ and I deeply admire your passionate commitment to honesty (telling the story as it is), fighting the beast (with with integrity and spirit), and inspiring us all to do the same.
I'm so grateful to have found you and your substack. Thank you immensely for sharing all the wake-up pills: red, black and white.